fredag 20 juni 2014

(This was originally channeled by Jonette on the summer solstice from The Atlantean goddess Ashtatara. The words hold codes that are important at this time and are part of the Soul Body Fusion process.)



Through the cold darkness

I have waited for the sun to come up once again

on my human brothers and sisters.

It is past time.

Each of you holds secrets locked and coded

within your consciousness and your body—

closed and locked for your own good.

When darkness befell humanity,

much of the power was removed,

the keys guarded closely.

The keys are where you never look;

Inside yourself.

My name is ASHTATARA.

It means “mother of the world.”

I am a goddess and a human,

one of a race that remembers that you are gods and goddesses too.

Once the doors begin to open, the growth moves very quickly.

Once the doors are open there is no closing them.


The activation sequence is given in silence 

at a level of consciousness that is barely awake in you.

I will move now into an initiation of silence.

I will speak again when it is done . . . 

[Silence for about fifteen minutes]

. . .create the possibility of a much bigger you and much more whole oneness. . .

Receive the love from this field in a way that

transforms everything you have been until now—

a love far beyond the emotional love;

a love that is the breath of God.

Receive now, deeply into your newly awakened cells of light.

Be sanctified Beloved ones.

Be sanctified permanently now.

You now carry codes of awakening.

You do not need me anymore.

I leave you now. 


(CopyRight 2014

onsdag 12 februari 2014